Moving on, Oprah had spent around 6 years living under poverty with her grandmother. They were so poor that at times Oprah had to wear dresses made out of potato sacks. After those torrid 6 years, she moved back in with her mother. Just when she thought the nightmare was over, there were more problems sparked when she moved back in. Her mother was working as a maid and was always too busy to take care of her. Therefore there was a lot of conflict and fighting always going on in the house.
Her problems aroused even more when she was only 9 years old. She claimed to have been molested by her cousin, her uncle, and a family friend. But when Winfrey brought it up at the age of 24, the family members denied her claim profusely. Personally I believe what Winfrey said because why would she want to make such a false claim? Would it bring more embarrassment than glory? Doesn’t make sense to me that she would lie about it.
Back to when she was 13, she decided that enough is enough after suffering years of abuse. Therefore, she took a bold move by running away from the house. At the age of 14, she found out that she was pregnant but the baby died shortly just after birth. Oprah then started stealing from her mother in search of extra cash leading to the ever growing frustration of her mother towards her. Eventually Winfrey was then sent back to her biological father, Vernon Winfrey.
He was strict towards her but made her education a priority. This was when her whole life was just about to take an ultimate turn! She became an honors student, was voted Most Popular Girl, and joined her high school speech team at East Nashville High School, placing second in the nation in dramatic interpretation. But that was not it. She also went on to win an oratory contest, which secured her a full scholarship to Tennessee State University, where she studied communication.
Shortly after, she then worked for WLAC-TV in Nashville as a news anchor before moving to WJZ-TV. She went on to work for various companies before obviously, setting up her own cable network show that will stun the world. The Oprah Winfrey Show is the highest rated program in its history and was nationally syndicated. As of right now, Oprah Winfrey has an estimated net worth of 2.7 Billion!
Honestly, I was never a big fan of her show. The only thing I’m interested about is her story. Hardly anyone who goes through the hardship she has will have the mental strength to be successful. Forget even becoming as successful as Oprah, if I was in her shoes I probably won’t even have a job. She has seen it all and done it all. Whatever hardships there was, she managed to overcome it. She was brave enough to become somebody who can change the world. She is not ashamed of her history, but she embraces it as it has gotten her to where she is today.
inspiring stories culled from inspired to be rich